Singapore National Library Board

One-stop destination encasing various avenues of culture, art and history of Singapore

NLB is a repository of various literatures and articles ranging from History, e-books to music, pictures and other such materials, run by Singapore government.

The main motto is to provide a one-stop destination encasing various avenues of culture, art and history of Singapore through a intranet ecosystem to educate the mass.

Team Members



03 Months


Product Designer




An enhanced digital and responsive ecosystem that provides a satisfying user experience based on the aspects such as:

  • Easy accessibility of data/information/offerings
  • Easy Content Curation and sharing
  • A visually consistent yet effective visual design throughout


Market Segmentation Analysis

To make smart dashboards, we are taking whole region into account. Sensors are placed throughout the desired radius and then various parameters are measured with real time monitoring. Area Managers are responsible for the working of these devices.

If devices are malfunctioning, they will assign task to restore them to an engineer. Admin can look after the entire data. In order for public to use these resources, they will have to register themselves on the platform.

Personas & Customer Journey



Starting from basic features to complex ones, IA was prepared based on technical feasibility.


Design Decisions

The colors and fonts are selected based on healthcare industry trends. Relevant illustrations and Venn diagrams are used to depict the data as clearly as possible


Backend and AI engineers began developing algorithms based on the UX design. Minor adjustments were made due to technical feasibility, and the team proceeded with the testing phase.